Your #1 choice for Adventures Attractions Accommodations
GO Nordic DMC
Your south Sweden expert
GO Nordic introduces your group of special guests to wonderful gems & getaways in the south of Sweden. The area between Copenhagen and Stockholm is our turf, with a little extra love for the more unknown areas around Karlskrona and Kalmar.
If you are seeking a surprise spot for your incentive group or looking for a partner to suggest a 5 day tour through our lovely landscape, look no further! GO Nordic DMC promises you venues, accommodation, food and activities that will make your guests want to come back again real soon.
GO Nordic has been instrumental for Beyonk to open up doors in the Swedish DMC market.
Terjes experience and knowledge of the tourism business in Sweden and the key players, has been extremely useful for us when surveying this new market.
Rich Catley
Head of Growth, Beyonk - The better way to sell tickets online

Tour suggestions
We provide tour operators and agents with local knowledge on a micro-level, ensuring unexpected experiences with a high level of quality and service.